Roy Rasmussen Award 2019
Have you ever started something that at first hand seems banal or at least just OK, and then thought, hold on there is something going on here.
Although the first photographs taken of the oak tree at Badsell Park Farm were snapped on a morning that simply took my breath away, after loading them onto my computer, they just sat there. I had no idea of what to do with them. One or two made their way on to social media, but that was it.
It was time and the opportunity to explore or manipulate the photographs that really started the journey. I became aware that manipulating and experimenting was key in making something of the images.

I’ve been working on the project for over 6 years and in that time have really enjoyed sharing both the creative process and the end results. Besides the thrill of selling pieces via galleries or organised shows to new owners who emotionally connect to the work, for me one of the greatest accolades is the appreciation of the project by my peers.

This first accolade happened a couple of years ago at the September Art Show in Wadhurst when the Symmetree Oak project was awarded the Sylvia Tiffin prize.
This year though has been amazing. Pencil drawings have been awarded Exhibiting Excellence by The Society of Botanical Artists 2019 at the Mall Galleries for ’the most contemporary example of botanical art’.

To top all that, I’m thrilled to say that the Symmetree Oak project has now been given the Roy Rasmussen Award at the London Ultra 2019 organised by FPS – Free Painters and Scupltors.
The award bears the name of one of the Free Painters and Sculptors founding members. The history of which is detailed in this piece by Roy.
The show runs until Sunday 10th November at the Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, South Bank, London.
Open 11-6 daily.
Admission: Free.
There are 4 floors of incredibly creative and thought provoking work.
I’ll be helping to steward this Friday and Saturday so please drop by, grab a drink and let you mind wander.
I’m continuing to experiment with the combination of photographs and wood which I’ll document on my Facebook feed, Instagram feed and this blog.